

BARCELONA. TV3. December 4th 2024. Interview to Núria Perpinyà about the Catalan translation of George Eliot‘s Middlemarch by Marina Romero. MÉS 3/24. 


SANT CUGAT / BARCELONA. 23 octubre 2024. 19h. Homenatge a Joan Ferraté. Taula rodona de Sam Abrams, Jordi Cornudella i N

SANT CUGAT / BARCELONA. October 23th 2024. 19h. Homage to Joan Ferraté. Round table meeting between Sam Abrams, Jordi Cornudella and Núria Perpinyà. Poetry Festival. Organitzed by: Ajuntament de Sant Cugat.

LLEIDA. October 19th. 13.00 h. Núria Perpinyà: “Fact or fiction in high schools: how to awaken sleeping readers”. With Mercè Ballespí i Amat Baró. Campus de Cappont. Edifici Polivalent. Organized by ICE (Institut Ciències de l’Educació), Jordi Malé, Anton Not and Carlos Rizos.

BARCELONA. October 17th 2024. 19 h. Presentation of the Catalan translation of Middlemarch by George Eliot i the bookshop Central (in the Raval) with X. Pàmies (translator), N. Perpinyà (foreword of the book), X. Aluja (editor) i Bea Molina (moderator). Organized by Bernat Metge Foundation.

BARCELONA. October 2nd 2024. 16 h. Núria Perpinyà: “Masters and Counterpoints”. III Conferences Catalan Criticism. Ateneu of Barcelona. With Àlex Broch, Jordi Cornudella, Valèria Gallard, Berta Gallofré, Jordi Marrugat. Organized by: AELC. Associació Escriptors en llengua catalana. Miquel Àngel Llauger and Mireia Sopena.

BARCELONA / POBLENOU.  Saturday 29 June 2024. 8.30pm. Outdoor representation while the sun is setting of the dialogued poems of Cels canviants / Changing Skyes. Barcelona Rooftop Festival. The show ist in Catalan. Buy tickets here.


Núria Perpinyà with Jordi Cano, Núria Casado i Pep Planas


BARCELONA / SANT JUST DESVERNS.  Saturday 13th abril 2024. 12.30h. Poetic Vermouth. Presentation and recitative for two voices of Changing Skies by the author and Jaume Pons Alorda. Bookstore: Cal Llibreter. Bonavista, 81. 





ESPLUGA DE FRANCOLÍ (Tarragona). March 22, 2024. “Natura-fiction: rethinking water, ruralizing life.” Conversation between Vanesa Freixa (author of Ruralisme) and Núria Perpinyà (author of Diatomea) based on Solitude novel by Víctor Català on World Water Day. Organized by: Elvira Prado-Fabregat. Terra Museum. 6:30 p.m.


LLEIDA. February 15th 2024. Theatrical performance of the book of poems by Núria Perpinyà, Changing Skies, by the Nurosfera company. University of Lleida. 17 h. 












LLEIDA. November 15th 2023. Theatrical performance of the book of poems by Núria Perpinyà, Changing Skies, by the Nurosfera company. Teatre de l’Escorxador. 18h i 19.30h. 






MINORCA. November 9. Presentation of the book of poems Els cels canviants by Pere Gomila. VadLlibres Bookstore. 19.30 Ciutadella.

November 10 in the morning. Colloquium on ecology based on the novel Diatomea. And about the internet from the novel And, suddenly, the Paradise. Ceip Sant Lluís.

November 10. Colloquium based on Chaos, Virus, Calm at the Maón Public Library. 7pm.

Organized by AELC. Shared Letters Program.



BARCELONA, September 17 2023. Premiere of the film El cadaver exquisit del teatre català The exquisite corpse of Catalan Theatre) directed by Toni Vidal.

Presentation of the book: Ai-Ai. El cadàver exquisit del teatre català edited by Núria Perpinyà and published by Arola.

It is the first Dramatical Exquisite Corpse in the History.

includes texts by around twenty writers and playwrights (Jordi Coca, Núria Casado, Carles Mallol, Victoria Szpunberg, Marc Rosich, Helena Tornero, Roger Puig, Dolors Miquel, Enric Nolla, Gerard Guix, Pep Cerdà, Manuel Molins, Toni Cabré, Jordi Prat, Adrià Pujol, Ferran Echegaray, Llàtzer Garcia, Paco Zarzoso, Carlos Be, Narcís Comadira, Albert Mestres, Queralt Riera, Jordi Oriol) and photographs by Mikel Alors. Speakers: Vicenç Altaió, Jordi Coca, Núria Perpinyà and the book’s collaborators.

The presentation will take place at the Center de les Arts Lliures of the Fundació Joan Brossa (C/ Flassaders, 40) on Sunday, September 17 at 12 noon. Free admission.




BARCELONA, May 10th. Premiere of the theatrical performance of the book of poems by Núria Perpinyà, Changing Skies, by the Nurosfera company. Sala Beckett: 8:30 p.m. Actors: Núria Casado and Pep Planas. Dir. Òscar Sánchez H. Music: Jordi Cano. Organized by: Barcelona Poesia. Dir: Josep Pedrals i Maria Callís. / Festival Alcools 2023. Dir. Andreu Gomilla.  Sala Beckett. Sold out.

USA April 26, 2023. Sant Jordi USA. Organized by: Mary Ann Newmann. Celebration of the monograph dedicated to Catalan culture from the NYC magazine Hyperion (Winter 2022) published by Contra Mundum where translated excerpts of Núria Perpinyà’s work appear. Likewise, the upcoming translation of her internet addiction novel, And, Suddenly, Paradise at  Contra Mundum publishing house in New York is celebrated. Conversation between Jaume Pons Alorda and Núria Perpinyà about the book. Jaume Pons Alorda and Núria Perpinyà talk here  about the book. (min. 32.07)

Reading of an excerpt by the editor Rainer J. Hanshe translated by Salomé Monk (min. 58.05).

COGUL, Lleida. April 15th. 15. 30. “Núria Bendicho talks with Núria Perpinyà”. Errant Festival. Curator: Jesús Vilamajó.


SENTMENAT, Barcelona. March 17th 2023. “Literary talk about the novel Diatom, with Núria Perpinyà”. Library. 19h. Organized by Núria Ribas.

MADRID. Friday 18 november. “A window towards Catalan literature: with Mercè Ibarz, Maria Sánchez and Núria Perpinyà”. Festival Eñe 2022: Natural. Círculo de Bellas Artes. Alcalá, 42. 7:15 p.m. Organizers: Lola Larumbe, Llucia Ramis & Ramon Llull Institute.


BARCELONA. November 2, 2022.  “Our climapunk? The immediate future here and beyond the climate crisis, with Mar Bosch, Roser Cabré-Verdiell, Toni Mata i Núria Perpinyà. Moderator: Eloi Puig”. YouTube Min. 8.06. 42 The Fantastic Genres Festival. Fábrica de Creación Fabra y Coats. Sant Adrià, 20 (Sant Andreu). 19h 45m. Organizers: Teresa Méndez y Ricard Ruiz Garzón.


GRANOLLERS Radio. Anna Ballbona. Podcast  “Núria Perpinyà: Researcher of Universes and Concerns”. Domini màgic. 29-09-2022.

BARCELONA. September 15, 2022. Catalan Book Week. “Jordi Nopca talks with Núria Perpinyà”. Conversations 40 years of The Week – Evolution of the Book in Catalan in the Decade 2003-2012. Moll de la Fusta. 5:00 p.m.  Coordinator: Cristina Domènech.

BARCELONA. “All the Sea Voices”. Online Dialogues. The writer Ada Castells talks with Núria Perpinyà about her latest novel Diatomea. Live broadcast on the YouTube Channel of the ACEC Writers’ Association. Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 8:00 p.m.


SANT CUGAT. BARCELONA, June 14th, Tuesday. 19 h. Ferrater. Poems about Literature”. Reading sessions  Les dones i els dies, by Núria Perpinyà and Jaume Subirana”. Xalet Negre. Plaça d’en Coll, 4, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès. Coordinator: Gabriel Ferrater Association.  Free entrance.


BARCELONA. Sant Jordi Book Day. Book signings by the author. Saturday, April 23th.

La Impossible Bookshop. Passeig de Gràcia / Provença: 13h-14h.

La Central Bookshop. Passeig de Gràcia / Diputació: 16h-17h.

LLEIDA. Sant Jordi Book Day. Friday, April 22th. Book signings by the author. Abacus Bookshop. Rambla d’Aragó, 14. From 18.30h. to 19.30h.


BARCELONA. Thursday, March 24, 2022. Obaga Bookstore. 7 p.m. Launching of  the book Diatomea, the new fantastic novel by Núria Perpinyà edited by La Magrana. The author will talk with the poet and oceanographer, Joan Puigdefàbrega and with the editor, Joan Riambau. Girona street, 179.

BARCELONA. Tuesday, February 15th, 2022. 7 p.m. “Literature and science: two planets with intersecting orbits. Xavier Duran talks to Núria Perpinyà”. UPF Humanistic Dialogues. Coordinator: Tamara Djermanovic. Pompeu Fabra University Ciutadella campus Auditorium. Registration for live assistance and streaming open to the public.

Video of the dialogue recording, here.


BARCELONA. Monday, January 31th, 2022. “Ferrater and the Love Experience.” 6:30 p.m. Course “Gabriel Ferrater. The excess of intelligence”. Weekly speakers of the course: Andreu Jaume, Jordi Amat, Jordi Cornudella, Núria Perpinyà, Jordi Ibañez and Salvador Oliva. Organized by: Andreu Jaume. Barcelona Institute of Humanities. Montalegre 5. Registration:


BARCELONA. 27th May. Round table “Debates in culture: Roofs as agents of social change” with Miquel Seguró and Núria Perpinyà. Moderator: Aida Pallarés. Face-to-face event on the roof of the Damm 2€(Old Damm brewery. Rosselló St, 515. See map) and free virtual ticket at youtube. Organized by: Isaias Fanlo & Lola Armadas. More info and tickets.

LLEIDA. March 16, 2021 7pm. Agnes Guardiola will discuss the essay Chaos, Virus, Calm by N. Perpinyà. La Irreductible Bookstore. Organized by: Páginas de Espuma. It will be broadcast on Instagram Live @lairreductible.

Face-to-face event with limited places (Prior registration in this issue:

MARYLAND (online EUA): March 9, 2021. “Commercial and Literary Narrative: Conversation with Núria Perpinyà”. NACS Dialogues around Catalan Dulture. Organized by: Roser Caminals-Health (Hood College).

MALAGA. December 16th, 2020. Award of the Malaga Essay Prize for Chaos, Virus, Calm. The Physics of Chaos applied to artistic, social and political Disorder, granted by the City Council of Malaga. The award is published by Páginas de Espuma. Jury of the prize: the publisher Juan Casamayor; Javier Gomá, philosopher and director of the Juan March Foundation; Estrella de Diego, art specialist; and the writers Espido Freire and Alfredo Taján.

BARCELONA. May 7th 2020. 18.30h.      DELAYED.      Reading Club about Una casa per compondre by Núria Perpinyà. Organized by: Music Museum. ESMUC Auditorium of Barcelona. Lepant, 150.


FRANCE.  Perpinyà at PERPIGNAN. Mars 27th 2020.        DELAYED.        “Transliterary Residence: A meeting with the Catalan novelist Nuria Perpinyà accompanied of some readings of her work “. La Llibreria Catalana / The Catalan Bookstore. Joan Payra Square, 7. Organized by Joana Serra and Patrick Viret.

FRANCE. 2020 Mars 1st-31th . Writers’ Residence at Cerbère. Transnational Project “Femmes Écrivaines d’Aujourd’hui.” Hotel Belvédère du Rayon Vert. Organized by Patrick Viret. Rencontres de Création Cinématographiques. Perpinya appears in the foto with the Cuban novelist Karla Suárez & Patrick Viret.


BARCELONA. December 21th 2019. Starting point: 12h at Miro Museum. Literary route: “Montjuïc, between the Avant-Garde and the City of Theater”. Commented itinerary by Núria Perpinyà, author of the book: La cadira trencada: Teatre català d’avantguarda. Organized by: TRESC. Link to sign up for the free route:

Llibre de la ruta teatral i avantguardista


BARCELONA. November 22th  2019. Lecture: “The Value of Reading”. ESADE.  Frederic Mistral-Eulàlia School at Sarrià. 8, Pere II de Montcada St


BARCELONA. November 21th. Lecture: “The Poetic Beauty of the Murasaki Shikibu’s Genji”. Classics Festival coordinator. Biblioteca de Catalunya / National Library of Catalonia.


BARCELONA. November 8th 2019. 16 h. Round table: “Brossa: discussions”: “Isolda, Wagner, Brossa” by N. Perpinyà. With Fernando Gerheim, Alexandre Bataller, Jordi Malé and Marc Audí. II International Symposium Joan Brossa. Barcelona. Institut d’Estudis Catalans.

Video n. 10:  Lecture on November 9th, Friday afternoon from min. 48.50:  Isolda, Wagner, Brossa


BARCELONA. October 28th 2019. 18.30 h. Lecture: “William Blake: the Visionary Beauty.” Classics Festival coordinator. Bookshop Llibreria La Central del Raval. Seminar of eight lectures by several scholars and writers: Joan Santanach, Josep Pedrals and Núria Perpinyà, etc.

Information and registration: / 93 550 46 01


BARCELONA. October 8th 2019. 19 h. Escenari Joan Brossa, 40, Dels Flassaders street. Theatrical performance on the book La cadira trencada. Teatre català d’avantguarda (The Broken Chair. Catalan Avant-garde Theatre). ed. Arola.  Foundation Brossa coordinator. 

Performance of the “Cadavre Exquis of Catalan Theatre” by Jordi Coca as director with the contributions of the following playwrights, writers and actors: Vicenç Altaió, Manuel Guerrero, Imma Colomer, Núria Casado, Carles Mallol, Victòria Szpunberg, Marc Rosich, Helena Tornero, Mireia Gubianas, Roger M. Puig, Dolors Miquel, Ricard Gázquez, Viqui Sanz, Enric Nolla, Gerard Guix, Pep Cerdà, Manuel Molins, Jesusa Ardany, Pepa Aranós, Toni Cabré, Jordi Prat, Eduard Muntada, Adrià Pujol, Ferran Echegaray, Llàtzer Garcia, Maria Casellas, Paco Zarzoso, Carlos Be, Narcís Comadira, Albert Mestres, Queralt Riera, Jordi Oriol and Roger Bernat. Audiovisual production: Toni Vidal.


US. June 5th 2019. University of Chicago. Lecture “From Chaos to Post-Truth through Catalan Art”. Coordinators: Mario Santana and Alba Girons. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.

US. May 2019. Writer in residence at Writers Art Omi of New York.

BARCELONA. January 16th 26th, 30th 2019. “Flexo 3/6. Odysseus compared to James Joyce’s Uliysses“.  Seminar of the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB). Coordinator: Raül Garrigasait. 

Here you can listen to the recorded course in Catalan


LLEIDA. October 15th. 18.30 h. Public Library. “The Ten Favourite Books of Núria Perpinyà”. Women Writers Day. Coordinator: Anna Sàez

The books that have made me as I am

BARCELONA. TV3. October 11th 2018. “The Social Networks”. Roger Roca. Desconnexió: volem una vida online? Quan arribin els marcians. Minut 7.40. 11-X-2018.

BARCELONA. Catalunya Ràdio. Mariola Dinarés. Popap. 21-IX-2018. Catalunya Ràdio

BARCELONA. Setember 20th. Book launch of the novel by Nuria Perpinya And, suddenly, Paradise. Presentation by the publisher of Comanegra, Jordi Puig, the philosopher Enric Puig Punyet, author of The Great Addiction and the poet, Dolors Miquel. There will be a discussion in favour of the Internet and against it. Editorial Comanegra. Consell de Cent, 159.

GIRONA. July 12th 2018. “L’apassionat equilibri de Joan Ferraté”. Summer course: “El llegat Ferraté(r): Poesia i Crítica”. Girona University. Coordinator: Xavier Pla.

Lecture by Núria Perpinyà about Joan Ferraté’s criticism

LLEIDA. May 31th 2018. Visions of Guinovart: “I’m a savage, ergo I exist”. Museum of Lleida. Coordinators: Maria Guinovard and Alex Susanna. [PDF]


LLEIDA. May 16th 2018. University of Lleida. Director of the Theatrical Party. It will be performed plays by students.  The playwriter and director Jordi Coca will gave a lecture about Palau i Fabre and Avantgarde Theater.

CALDES DE MALAVELLA. April 13th 2018. Lecture at the Library’s Reading Club about “Al Vertigen”. Coordinator: Albert Mestres.

BARCELONA.  April 6th 2018. National Theater of Catalunya. Discussion about “Que rebentin els actors!” by Gabriel Calderón. Coordinator: Albert Arribas.

You Tube: A talk between Calderón, Perpinyà and the actors

 .     .

SOLSONA. March 2nd 2018. Lecture: “El camí que va de les ruines medievals romàntiques fins a l’avantguarda”. Season: “Divendres de pensament al museu: Territori, Art i Literatura”. Museum of Solsona. Coordinator: Victor Pérez.


BARCELONA. February 20th. Presentation of new Ada Castells’s novel at Comanegra Publisher.

BARCELONA. January 10th 2018. Speech on Aristotle Poetics (s.IV aC / 2017) Fundació Bernat Metge. Translator Xavier Riu. Publisher coordinator: Raül Garrigasait. Alibri Bookshop. Balmes 26.

US. University of Chicago. Spring 2017 (april-june). Visiting Lecturer at Coromines Chair. Course: Catalan Avant-garde Theatre. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Academic coordinator: professor Mario Santana.


MADRID May 29th 2016. 18 h. Panel discussion with  Constatino Bértolo (Debate’s publisher), the writer Alberto Olmos et alt. about Cultural Criticism. “Philosophize in Freedom”, Café Libertad. Moderator: Ramiro Ribeiro.

LLEIDA Speech: “Loving Literature” INSTITUTO LA CAPARRELLA (Abril  25th 2016). Coordinators Montserrat Querol, and ex-student Marta Estrela.

caparrella nuria caparella & marta estrela Caparrella

FRANCE Mai-June 2015. Writer’s residence at Villa Marguerite Yourcenar with the writers Karla Suarez, Makency Orcel and Marc Molk. Principal of the Villa: Achmy Halley.

yourcenar llibre



imageMont Noir 

marc molk etcEcrivains Villa

GIRONA, April 19th 2015. Festival MOT about Imaginary Cities. Organizer: Margarida Casacuberta. With Marina Espasa, Joan-Lluís Lluís and Mar Bosch. Moderator: Xavier Grasset.

BARCELONA Saturday December 12th 2014. “A day with…” Arts Santa Mònica. Organize: Isabel Olesti.


VENICE Monday November 24th 2014. Università Ca’ Foscari. Speech about Catalan Theatre in the Seventies. Congrés ruptures estètiques dels anys 70. Organize: Hispanic Dpt. / Enric BOU

Foscari 24-11-2014

FRANCE  Mai-June 2015. Writer’s residence Presentation at Villa Marguerite Yourcenar.

villa yourcenar

GIRONA Tuesday October 28th 2014. afternoon Aula d’escriptura / Aula de Lletres/ Ajuntament de Girona. Organize: Vicenç Pagès

pages nur girona 14 p

LLEIDA Wednesday April 23th 2014. Books’s signature. 14h / 17.30h: Bookshop Punt del Llibre. 18h: Bookshop Abacus. 19h: Bookshop Caselles.

Susana Mtez Sant Jordi


SAINT PETERSBURG. April 19th 2014. Club de Lectura Maiakovsky. Organize: Iban Mañas.

Club Maiakovsky p

Univ Sant Petersburg

At St Petersburg University, in April 2014, with Montserrat Galofré and the Chairman of Romanic Languages Dpt, Prof. Natalia Grigórievna Med.

Univ StPetersUni_St.Petersburg_1nur univ st petersb 2

BARCELONA Wednesday, November, 13th. 21 h. Literary dinner in the Semproniana restaurant. Rosselló, 148. Organize Ada Parellada and Ada Castells.

LLEIDA 19:30h Friday October 18th, 2013. Centre excursionista of Lleida. c/ Comerç 25. Presents: The climber Mina Corbella. Associated bookshop: Caselles.

7 np mina lluis taberner w


6 np asseguda cel w


ANDORRA Wednesday October 16th, 18h: Press briefing. 20h. Presentation of the book in Catalan Culture Center. c/ La Llacuna 14. Andorra la Vella. Organize Txema Diaz -Torrent from University of Andorra and Arnau Colominas from Catalan Culture Centre. Presents: the Himalayan mountaineer Kathy O’Dowd and Anton Not (Spanish translator of Al vertigo). Associated bookshop: The Puça.

BARCELONA Saturday September 5th 2013 13:30 h. Catalan Book Week. Presents: Jordi Cornudella, editor and Jordi Merino, president of Catalunya Hiking Federation.