The videos are only available in Catalan.
BARCELONA. TV3. December 4th 2024. Interview to Núria Perpinyà about the Catalan translation of George Eliot‘s Middlemarch by Marina Romero. MÉS 3/24.Â
Nuria Perpinya’s Library. Núvol. June 2023. By Carlota Rubio and Laia Serch
BARCELONA. 2 noviembre 2022. “Our climapunk? The immediate future here and beyond the climate crisis, with Mar Bosch, Roser Cabré-Verdiell, Toni Mata i Núria Perpinyà . Modera: Eloi Puig”. YouTube Min. 8.06. YouTube Min. 8.06. 42 Festival de Géneros Fantásticos. Fábrica de Creación Fabra y Coats. Sant Adrià , 20 (Sant Andreu). 19h 45m. Organiza: Teresa Méndez y Ricard Ruiz Garzón.
BARCELONA. “All the voices of the sea”. Online dialogues. The writer Ada Castells talks with Núria Perpinyà  about his latest novel Diatom. Live broadcast on the YouTube channel of the ACEC Catalan Writers’ Association. Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 8:00 p.m.
2021. Barcelona. Rooftops in Culture. Director: Isaias Fanlo.
EUA. 2021. “Commercial and Literary Narrative: Conversation with Núria Perpinyà ”. NACS Dialogues around Catalan Culture. Interview by the writer Roser Caminals.
BARCELONA. November 8, 2019. Institute of Catalan Studies. “Isolda, Wagner, Brossa”. II Symposium Joan Brossa. Minute 48.47. Coordinador: Gloria Bordons.
 July 12, 2018. “ Joan Ferraté: a passionate equilibrium”. University of Girona. Summer course. Organizes: Xavier Pla.
BARCELONA. TV3. October 11th 2018. “The Social Networks”. Roger Roca. Desconnexió: volem una vida online? Quan arribin els marcians. Min. 7.40.
BARCELONA.  April 6th 2018. National Theater of Catalunya. Discussion about “Que rebentin els actors!” by Gabriel Calderón. Coordinator: Albert Arribas.
You Tube: A talk between Calderón, Perpinyà and the actors
GIRONA, April 19th 2015. Festival MOT about Imaginary Cities. Organizer: Margarida Casacuberta. With Marina Espasa, Joan-LluÃs LluÃs and Mar Bosch. Moderator: Xavier Grasset.
2013 TV3 Interview about Al Vertigen at Via Llibre by Anna Guitart
   2013 Interview about the novel To the Vertigo / Al Vertigen Â
2013 Interview at the television Channel ETV by Ramon Guitó. “Converses amb accent”