Comments Mistana

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MarĂ­a Dasca: Mistana

Mistana is an insolent fiction, tragic and comic at once, full of breakthrough purposes, connected with the vanguards between the two World Wars (…). The novel distorts the concept of identity and problematizes it relating it to a bleak and devastating community life.

JuliĂ  Guillamon: Vertigo in the mist

Mistana is a very special book. For its mysterious and invisible landscape (…). For its changes in the personality, motivated by varying moods, which lead men and women to madness. For its continously intriguing, sexual and powerful climate. (…) After three books of fiction, PerpinyĂ  seems to have found the right formula to express the variety of her interests and the overwhelming complexity of her inner world.

Xavier Cortadellas: Mistana

Mistana is a lyrical novel, as well as surprising, intimidating and inspiring, difficult because, as Maud Lalage is asked, “how can you make a sculpture of the fog, a formless object?” (…) It is a radical commitment in favor of art and literature.

Ponç Puigdevall: The stimulus of the difficulty

NĂşria PerpinyĂ  is a strong supporter of literature representing a willful effort to make the reader suffer with pleasure, stretching all his mental molecules. Each of her pages means an ascent on a mountain under all possible meteorological adversities one can imagine. (…) NĂşria PerpinyĂ  has written a hard and uncomfortable novel to digest, but the narrative voice, smart and efficient, is charged with high intensity of humour. (…) Mistana is a dark and blurred geographical area where a multitude of avatars are produced, governed by a kind of Kafkaesque chance.

Anton Not: To write well there is nothing forbidden

The scenery of the village reminds me of a Gothic novel, even in the sense in which Mario Vargas Llosa calls a Gothic novel the Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille. (…) Mistana is not dominated by any supernatural force, by monsters or by ghosts. The irrationality does not come from outside but from inside. All the anxiety there is real. (…) The key issue of the book is formulated in a narrator’s intervention on the page 86: “What is fantasy? A refuge from a hostile environment or a natural and caring birth of a person in life?”

Enric Bou: For survivors

In an unusual environment, away from the world, but so authentical that it leaves Franz Kafka as an apprentice of the uncertainty of everyday life. (…) [we find] a magmatic writing, typical of its author, made of long concentric circles that surround the reader, like jazz tunes.

LluĂŻsa JuliĂ : Mistana

Mistana is a symbolic, grotesque and cannibalistic world, which analyzes the complex reality we live in. (…) The novel is divided into nine chapters, or circles, following the Dantesque purgatory. Each chapter receives a name attributed to fog: lost, blind, evil, ethereal, wet, still, insane, minor and finally tragic. (…) On the one hand, it makes you smile, on the other hand, it is horrifying; that is the tone of both; an abitious author and work.

Estripsipedaços: Mistana (by the right foot)

Mistana is a novel that is altogether a lot of things: a tribute to Lleida’s fog, a reflection on madness, on the adaptability of human beings, on the need for self-deception in order to survive the greatest horrors. It is also about the need for truth in order not to get completely crazy. Mistana is also a novel full of magic realism that rides on a minutely-calculated-text-horse back that gives it a devilish rhythm.Mistana is a great novel, bright and amazing. It is a completely original novel born from the author’s personal universe. No shortcuts, no facilities, no manuals or guides. Mistana is Perpinyà’s universe 100%.

Ramon Rubinat: Mistana

It’s not easy to know Mistana’s location. It reminds us of a misty Stonehenge but the character is Mediterranean. I really like the anarchist mayor. I like his concerns. Yet, the affaire of the little girl is hair-raising. Scary. Simbert is a saviour that is not saved. He’s a misfit, a giant from a city that arrives in Mistana and his head is spining around. The book is full of polysemic expressions that help to de-emphasize the text. With a very disturbing effect: as if someone tickled you while another is reading your death sentence.




Colloquium about Imaginary Cities. Girona, April 15th 2015. Festival Mot. About Mistana from minutes: 42, 53, 59.



DASCA, MarĂ­a. “Mujeres de palabras. Escritoras catalanas hoy”. ĂŤnsula. 871. Juliol 2019. [PDF]

CASTELLS, Ada. “Ens confirmem en la raresa”. La RepĂşblica de les Lletres. 4. 2019. [PDF]

NOT, Anton. “Per escriure bĂ© no hi ha res prohibit”. La Mañana. 16-IV-2006. [11 PDF]

“Ramiro Pinilla y Núria Perpinyà ganan los premios de la Crítica”. La Vanguardia. 2-IV-2006.

SÀEZ, Anna. “Núria Perpinyà guanya el premi de la Crítica per la claustrofòbica «Mistana»”. Segre. 2-IV-2006.

JULIÀ, Lluïsa. “Tria personal: Mistana”, Serra d’Or, gener 2006. [10 PDF]

PINO ESTIVILL, Ester. “Narrativa catalana. Mistana. Núria Perpinyà”. Lateral, 132. Diciembre 2005. [9 PDF]

DASCA, Maria. “Mistana” “Guia de lectura”. Revista de Catalunya, 210. Novembre 2005. [8 PDF]

ISERN, Joan Josep. “Una novela hipnòtica i radical”. Avui. 12-X-2005. [7 PDF]

NADAL SUAU. “Mistana boirosa”. Llegir. 10-X-2005.

SARRIAS, Cristobal. “Una gran soledat”. Catalunya cristiana. Setembre 2005.

CORTADELLAS, Xavier. “Bocins de temps”. Presència. 12-VIII-2005. [6 PDF]

CASTELLS, ADA. “Núria Perpinyà l’absurd enmig de la boira”. Avui. 23-VII-2005. [5 PDF]

HERNÀNDEZ, Gaspar. “Deliris i paisatges”. El Punt. 21-VII-2005.

BOU, Enric. “Para supervivientes”. El Periódico. 14-VII-2005. [4 PDF]

GUILLAMON, Julià. “Vértigo en la niebla”. Culturas. La Vanguardia. 6-VII-2005.

BONADA, Lluís. “Amb la religió perspectivista puc veure la boira de nou maneres”. El Temps. 3-VII-2005. [3 PDF]

OBIOLS, Isabel. “Núria Perpinyà relaciona niebla y locura en la novela “Mistana’”. El Pais. 26-VI-2005.

PUIGDEVALL, Ponç. “L’estímul de la dificultat”. El País. 23-VI-2005. [2 PDF]

“Núria Perpinyà canvia d’editorial i s’endinsa en el realisme màgic amb «Mistana»”. El Punt. 19-VI-2005

VILAWEB. “Amb la boira, contra la boira, sota la boira…”. 15-VI-2005.

”La “sombra” del autor en la nueva novela de Núria Perpinyà, «Mistana»”. Segre. 15-VI-2005

PIÑOL, Rosa Maria. “Núria Perpinyà utiliza la niebla como eje de una novela simbólica”. La Vanguardia. 15-VI-2005.

FONT, Marc. “Núria Perpinyà, escriptora.”. Canvi 16. 11-VI-2005. [1 PDF]

BANYERES, Roser. “Núria Perpinyà s’endinsa en la fantasia en la seva tercera”. Segre. 22-V-2005.



Catalunya RĂ dio. Eva Piquer. Lectures desacomplexades. 2-V-2006.

Catalunya RĂ dio. Emili Teixidor. Juliol 2005.

RĂ dio Hospitalet. Jaume Garcia. Els matins del Cotton. 8-VII-2005.

Ser Catalunya. Pilar Argudo. Punt de llibre. El balcĂł. 1-VII-2005.

RĂ dio Terrassa. Oriol Carreras. Prent-ho com vulguis. 23-VI-2005.

Catalunya Cultura, Jordi Cervera. 21-VI-2005.



Barcelona TV. Judit Mulet / Emili Manzano. “Saló de lectura”, “Mistana, de Núria Perpinyà”. 12-VII-2007.

La Manyana TV. Francesc Guillaumet. Juny 2006.

Lleida TV. Ramon Rubinat. La Divina Comèdia. “Primers auxilis: Mistana”. 7-IV-2006.



“Mistana (amb el peu dret)”. “Estripsipedaços”. Granollers, 16 juliol 2009

VILLACH, David. “Perdiendo el tiempo”.



Antonio Galeote, fotògraf: “NĂşria PerpinyĂ  a Mistana (Lleida)” “Escriptors, amics” (2009).


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